Why HPLC Material Analyses?

High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) enables the precise determination of sample components of a known sample. The analyzed sample can be in liquid, pasty or solid form. This allows the components of the sample to be separated precisely and efficiently and their quantity to be determined accurately.

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Thorsten Rawinski

Your contact for HPLC analysis

| M. Eng. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Thorsten Rawinski

Professional quantification and analysis of active ingredients with HPLC


High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is an analytical method for separating substances into their components. These are then identified and their concentrations determined.

Our HPLC analysis comes from the research sector and enables us to reliably detect high-resolution results even at a low concentration of substances.

For this purpose, the samples are finely ground and weighed using a calibrated precision instrument. They are then filled with high-purity solvent and the components are dissolved using a special program. Finally, a high-performance centrifuge separates the solids from the dissolved substances and the sample is now ready for high-performance liquid chromatography.

The sample is applied to a reversed phase (RP) column using a high-purity solvent formulation specially adapted to the respective sample. The components of the sample adhere to the column for a certain period of time and are successively washed away from the column by a solvent mixture. This enables effective separation of substances.

A high-precision detector with a DAD array detects the individual substances. The respective peak height and cycle time define the quantity of the respective substance.

In addition to HPLC material analyses, we also offer FTIR spectroscopic analyses, e.g. for identifying substances and searching for causes of product failure and recalls. Learn more about the FT-IR material analyses.